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Пт Сен 03, 2010 5:45 am |
Start Post: Epassporte - каюк?  |
![]() Ffadu aka Udaff |
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From: Christopher Mallick, Owner, ePassporte.com
Dear ePassporte Account Holders,
Please be advised that, at 12:00 PM PDT today, September 2, 2010, we were notified that effective immediately, Visa International has suspended our banking partner's (St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla National Bank) ePassporte Visa program. The ePassporte e-Wallet program continues to be up and running, except funds cannot be transferred between your Visa Account and your e-Wallet. At this time ePassporte can no longer issue Visa Cards, and the ability for our Account Holders to make point of sale purchases and withdraw funds from ATMs has also been suspended.
At this time we do not know why this drastic action was taken by Visa. To us, it is unconscionable that such action would be taken without the opportunity for ePassporte to fully understand Visa's reasons and to be able to take all steps necessary to keep our program running the way it has so successfully done for over 7 years. But that is what Visa has done.
As soon as we have more information we will be in contact with you.
In the meantime please be assured that your funds are safe.
We are very sorry for the short notice and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The ePassporte team is working diligently to rectify this situation.
We kindly ask you to bear with us while we work through this issue.
Please feel free to contact us via the message center or at our call center, should you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Thank You,
Christopher Mallick
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![]() Ffadu aka Udaff |
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VR PORN - ратио, как в 90-х |
![]() JHonny Bravo Гуру |
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С одной стороны вопрос бана Визы за 3 дня не решишь.
С другой стороны Виза пишет, что ни чего не банила.
Думается мне, что сидят сейчас хлопчики из Епаса и думают - поднимать систему или нет.
Если поднять, то отток бабла обеспечен и наступит им финиш.
А с другой стороны. Альтернативы им нет и на горизонте не видно.
Вот эти 2 вопроса у них на повесте дня сейчас.
Ну введи ты месячную плату X баксов и за снятие комиссию повысь. И система по любому восстановится.
Я вот лично уходить с них не собираюсь, если заработают. |
Сайны?! Не, не слышал. |
![]() Orvas I have never been clever |
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JHonny Bravo писал(а): |
С другой стороны Виза пишет, что ни чего не банила.
Это тебе Виза сказала?
At the beginning of the holiday weekend in the United States, Visa suspended the services of a third-party agent, ePassporte.com.
"At the request of St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank (SKNA)," Visa said in a Sept. 7 statement, "Visa blocked network access for prepaid cards issued by SKNA and operated by ePassporte.com to address certain program deficiencies."
Visa says prepaid cardholders are still able to access their funds through SKNA or ePassporte.com. "Visa is committed to maintaining the integrity of its global payment network and routinely conducts due diligence to ensure Visa prepaid programs adhere to the company's stringent program requirements and controls."
ePassporte (www.epassporte.com) offers two consumer services: a physical debit card that can be used at ATMs and retail shops, as well as an internet payment facility. Businesses use ePassporte on their online retail sites, where they accept a Visa-branded card supplied by ePassporte.
Visa hasn't said for how long the suspension will be, but Debra Geister, senior director of AML and compliance services at LexisNexis' risk solutions, says there is buzz on the blogs "that this action is based on the recently released credit card guidelines."
Gwenn Bezard, co-founder and research director at Aite Group, says he's not so sure that this move by Visa is necessarily related to the new pre-paid card guidelines. "I don't see them related," Bezard says. "Visa does take action against its members at different times, imposing fines or even shutting various members down," he says.
Institutions should be on top of this issue and carefully review their programs, says Geister. Any prepaid programs that a financial institution is underwriting (especially in light of the new CARD ACT regulation) should be viewed as an extension of their AML program. Institutions should make sure they understand the programs, systems and detection capabilities that are in place in any third-party programs such as ePassporte. "Making sure that the financial institution has review of programs, identified risks and performed audits of those programs is a good idea in these situations," she says.
If a financial institution or merchants were to receive a transaction through ePassporte.com or the ePassporte Visa, given Visa's statement, they would be blocked through Visa, Geister says. The purchaser should be directed back to SKNA or ePassporte to get their funds back, "But it sounds like these cards will not be accepted on the Visa network."
http://www.bankinfosecurity.com/articles.php?art_id=2900 |
![]() JHonny Bravo Гуру |
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Orvas, так где то было, что виза писала, что ни чего не банила. Тут уже столько инфы всякой разной, что черт ногу сломит и не разберется.
Я вот иммел виду это, что Виза не банила лаве, а только карты :
"Visa says prepaid cardholders are still able to access their funds through SKNA or ePassporte.com"
Только средства не доступны нихрена. Может кому то через ACH и посылали, но таких единицы. |
Сайны?! Не, не слышал. |
![]() Inquisitor Инквизицию никто не ждет |
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![]() webeye Свой |
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![]() shhef + V.I.P. |
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![]() exolon V.I.P. |
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JHonny Bravo писал(а): |
С другой стороны Виза пишет, что ни чего не банила.
Никаких официальных заявлений ни от банка, ни от визы я не видел. Они бы, конечно, прояснили ситуацию.
Есть такие, что звонили в саппорт, но тут тоже надо понимать, что саппорт не во всех вопросах компетентен и может отвечать просто на отъебись.
Если все наладится, буду продолжать пользоваться епассом, т.к. адекватных альтернатив нет. Если не наладиться, то посмотрим, что спонсоры придумают. |
![]() Longer V.I.P. |
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shhef писал(а): |
мне что то кажется что будет в епас. мастеркард
да они 99,9% привяжут какую то новую карту.
Мне вот больше интересно, что с баблом на визе будет. |
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![]() JHonny Bravo Гуру |
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Все перекинут на валлетт и вышлют всем по бутылке коньяка с новой картой Мастеркард. Вот что будет! |
Сайны?! Не, не слышал. |
![]() veligursky + Гуру |
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самый логичный выход - это карты от мастеркард (пока выпустят и дойдут минимум месяц пройдет) и снижение лимитов на выдачу - что вполне может спасти как от оттока денег так и от оттока клиентов, правда тут есть много ньюансов (захочет ли мастеркард связываться с епасом, хочет ли епас возвращать бабло и т.д.) |
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