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Зарегистрирован: 07.08.2006
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Так ребята, короче книжку буржуи раздают.
Решил перевести. Надеюсь будет полезным мой труд.
Тем более, что ни на гоуфаке, ни на фосео не видел такой подбороки.
Ясное дело убрал всю их долгую лирику о том, как прекрасен Web 2.0!
Еще убрал все http://www. Не хрен им армадовский пиар раздавать. Платють пусть!
Да, и предупреждаю: как говориться, "слишкам многа букафф", но есть и веселые моменты.
"Ресурсы web 2.0 для генерации траффика".
Первое: для достижения преимущества не лениться.
Методы описанные здесь не для лентяев и не для читеров, а для людей, которые делают ставку на перспективу.
Количество трафа, которое вы добудете после прочтения, будет зависеть только от вас.
Короче, чтобы иметь успех в веб 2.0 нужен... БЛОГ.
К движкам блогов у гугли есть траст.
Базовый движок Wordpress.
Последняя версия: wordpress.org/download
Не юзать wordpress.com
Нужная, короче ссылка, бегом туда, втыкать че к чему о ней там еще ниже упоминается)
Плагины для WP: wp-plugins.net
Дельные Пагигины
"What Would Seth Godin Do?"
KQF Wordpress Plugin Video Review
Wordpress Sitemap Plugin
Adsense Deluxe Plugin Video Review
Adsense Deluxe
“Print My Post” Plugin
Putting YouTube Video In Wordpress Posts (Video)
Another Wordpress Meta Plugin (что-то с прописыванием мета-тегов в блоге)
Akismet (Скажи "нет" спаму в своих комментах)
Exec-PHP (это для вставки в блог программного кода)
Optimal Title
Popularity Contest (типа отслеживает популярность постов на блоге)
Subscribe To Comments
Tagalize It
Ultimate Tag Warrior (ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНЫЙ плагин)
Tips And Tricks
--В тайтле поста обязательно киворд.
--дальше нужно показать Technorati, что у тебя есть этот пост.
--определить конкуретность по киворду: тулза: "Keyword Difficulty Tool" на SEOMoz.org
--проанализирую выбранную нишу по топ10 гугли и сделай лучше
А вот и ссылочки в помощь:
This is what a “riff” post looks like.
5 Common Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb
There’s Never Been a Better Time to Be a Business-Savvy Writer
Who Do You Think You’re Talking To?
The Balancing Act of Where to Pitch Your Content
How Simple Posts Can Find Your Blog Readers
--вы можете привлечь других людей для написания уникального контента
--типа привлечь много-много людей, дать им права админов на блоге, и пусть херашут посты.
и примерчег: psfk.com
Дальше соетуют статьи почитать про то, как ссылки добывать
Rand Fishkin: Leveraging Linkbait
Matt Cutts: Linkbait and Linkbaiting
Jack Humphrey: Linkbaiting. How Hard Is It?
Resource Lists Still Rule The Day For Generating Links
Getting Links! – Several good linkbait resources here
Linkbait Tactics
Далее ресы, ссылки с которых типа полезны (ну так и есть вообще-то)
1. Technorati.com
(Claim your blog if you haven’t done so!)
2. MyBlogLog.com
(Start a group and get readers. Use the widget, get readers)
3. Netscape.com
(install toolbar button for FireFox and IE for future use)
4. StumbleUpon.com
(install toolbar button for FireFox and IE for future use)
5. Reddit.com
(install toolbar button for FireFox and IE for future use)
6. PRWeb.com
do a press release with the “hook” for your linkbait and run the links from the release straight to the linkbait piece.
7. Digg.com
(Tech and other topics)
8. IMNews (internet marketing topics) jackhumphrey.com/imnews
9. PlugIM.com
(internet marketing topics)(install toolbar button for FireFox and IE for future use)
10. MarkTD.com
(internet marketing topics)(install toolbar button for FireFox and IE for future use)
11. SpicyPage.com
12. Newsvine.com
Потом предлагается поискать сайты, наподобие этих девяти, соответственно своей нише.
и весьма вероятно найти такие ресы тута:
Теперь про букмарки
юзать: onlywire.com
и (плагин)
Про трэкбэки
How to do trackbacks – Video by Jack Humphrey --ну тут думаю переводить не нужно.
Trackbacks and PRWeb – Killer resource for using PRWeb’s traffic and PR to point high value links right back to your site!
Переходим к RSS (так, значит заголовки статей думаю переводить смысла нет, т.к. один фиг все эти ссылки только тем, кто шпрэхает на инглише)
Сначала в общем чего энто такое (статьи ясен пень все будут на инглише)
Beginners Guide to RSS Feed Setup and Subscriptions From PCStats, great resources to get started.
What is RSS? Video by Sherman Hu
Mixing RSS feed content to create unique RSS news pages the search engines love!
Huge RSS Guide on Squidoo - Every book, post, how-to guide, and resource you could ever need aside from this guide, of course!
Adding RSS feeds to your website
Is RSS Like CB Radio? - CopyBlogger.com
Unleash The Marketing And Publishing Power of RSS
How to Make Your RSS Feeds POP!
11 Ways To Get More RSS Subscribers
Top Blog and RSS Submission Sites and Directories
Самые популярные статьи по RSS
How to Add RSS to Your Website - Simply
5 Easy Ways To Use RSS On Your Site
How To Display RSS Feeds on Your Website
Feed The Need: 5 Ways To Use RSS To Boost Your Business Or Organizational Success
Using RSS Feeds to Market a Poker Affiliate Program
How to Use an RSS Feed to Provide Content for Your Website
Newsletters VS RSS Feeds
How To Add Random RSS Content To Your Site
Displaying RSS Feeds on Your Web Page
RSS and How to Use It (part 1)
How to Use Simple Tag and Ping Marketing Techniques
10 Reasons to Put RSS on Your Site!
Using RSS TO Make Money Online
What Are RSS Feeds
What Is This RSS, XML, RDF, and Atom Business?
Далее: Feed Tools
PheedPress: (как понял, не для всех)
Про сабмит рсс-фидов в директории
типа лучшая тулза, это вот:
но для сравнения вот:
Ну и собственно куды сабмитеть:
Про социальные закладки
Во-первых, советуют разобраться и юзать это: onlywire.com/
В помощь списочек социальных букмарков (так они вроде наз-ся)
1. 30daytags.com
2. BlinkBits.com
3. BlogHop.com
4. BlogLot.com
5. BlogMarks.net
6. BlogMemes.net
7. BlogPulse.com
8. BmAccess.net
9. browsr.com
10. Fark.com
11. CiteULike.org
12. clipclip.org
13. clipmarks.com
14. Complore.com
15. Connectedy.com
16. Connotea.com
17. de.lirio.us
18. del.icio.us
19. digg.com
20. diigo.com
21. fantacular.com
22. Feedmarker.com
23. Feed Me Links.com
24. Furl.net
25. Gibeo.net
26. GoKoDo.com
27. Google.com/notebook
28. IceRocket.com
29. Kaboodle.com
30. linkaGoGo.com
31. linkfilter.net
32. linkroll.com
33. Listible.com
34. Lookmarks.com
35. ma.gnolia.com
36. Netvouz.com
37. Newsvine.com
38. openBM.de
39. RawSugar.com
40. reddit.com
41. Rojo.com
42. Rollyo.com
43. Scuttle.org
44. Shadows.com
45. Simpy.com
46. Sitetagger.com
47. Smarking.com
48. Spurl.net
49. StumbleUpon.com
50. taghop.com
51. TailRank.com
52. Ticklr.net
53. unalog.com
54. myweb2.search.yahoo.com
55. yoonoo.com
И вот еще списочки: 3spots.blogspot.com/2006/01/all-social-that-can-bookmark.html
Короче около 300шт news submission sites наподобие дигга: 3spots.blogspot.com/2006/04/all-digg-style-applications-list.html
Про видео-маркетинг.
Вобщем видео это круто и поисковики по нему сума сходят и скоро начнут применять какие-то там новые технологии для его индексации.
И вот собственно ссылочка интересная:
видео можно найти тут: istockvideo.com/
как создавать и править видео: youtube.com/t/video_toolbox
советуют поучиться:
Video for the Web Tutorials
Adding Video To Your Site
Making a Video Podcast
Дается топ сайтов по видео
1. Blinkx.tv
2. Blip.tv
3. Bolt.com
4. Dailymotion.com
5. Dave.tv
6. DropShots.com
7. esnips.com
8. eVideoShare.com
9. Eyespot.com
10. GoFish.com
11. GrindTV.com
12. GUBA.com
13. IFilm.com
14. Jumpcut.com
15. LiveVideo.com
16. Motionbox.com
17. Myspace.com
18. Netscape
19. Photobucket.com
20. Putfile.com
21. Sharkle.com
22. Stickam.com
23. Veoh.com
24. Video.google.com
25. Video.yahoo.com
26. Video123.com
27. Vidilife.com
28. Vimeo.com
29. vMix.com
30. vSocial.com
31. YouTube.com
32. ZippyVideos.com
33. StupidVideos.com
Понятное дело пишут про траблы, которые могут возникнуть при загрузке на свои ресы или еще куда-нить такого количества видео.
Советуют: Traffic Geyser: jackhumphrey.com/uploadabb
Теперь про audio-podcasting (ХЗ че эт такое, но по-моему аудио объяснялки всякие)
Редактировать аудио этим: audacity.sourceforge.net
Audio Podcast Directory
Podcasting with Wordpress
Promoting Podcasts
Дается списочек ресурсегов, где предполагается пользовательская активность(намек понятен? )Да, вчитайтесь в каменты к ссылкам. Есть весьма полезные!!
1. Bigoven.com Publish/share recipes
2. Extratasty.com Publish/share drink recipes
3. Travbuddy.com Submit/share travel stories
4. Barewiki.com Make a Wiki in seconds
5. Fckeditor.net Web based word processor
6. Formassembly.com Create, host and manage forms
7. Goffice.com Web based word processing
8. Ijot.net Write, manage, publish share text files
9. Inetword.com Web based word processing
10. Jotform.com Make your Ajax webforms
11. me.eae.net/stuff/litespellchecker/litedemo.html
Check spelling as you type
12. Nativetext.com Translates RSS in foreign languages
13. orangoo.com/spell/ Spelling checker
14. Pbwiki.com Make a Wiki
15. Synchroedit.com Group editor
16. Wideword.net Collaborative word processing
17. Writeboard.com Write, share, revise and compare documents
18. Writely.com Store, edit and share documents
19. Zohowriter.com Online word processor
Типа говорят, посторайтесь получить с нижеследующих мест ссылки, но блин, не спамьте туды:
1. Wikipedia.org
Contribute and get smart
2. Epictrip.com
Multimedia travel wiki
3. Foopad.com
Create your own wiki
4. Schtuff.com
Wiki service
5. Serversidewiki.com
6. Socialtext.com
Enterprise wiki solutions
7. Stikipad.com
Wiki solution
8. Wikispaces.org
Collaborative content and editing
Video Sites (пригодится,однозначно!)
1. Adultswim.com
Episode previews, games, community
2. movies.ajaxilicious.be
Share your movies thru RSS
3. searchus.blinkx.com/
Personalized epg
4. Broadbandsports.com
Upload and share sports videos
5. Clipshack.com
Upload and send video
6. Dailymotion.com
Upload and share videos
7. Evoketv.com
Localized epg (ajax)
8. Getdemocracy.com
Watch or make tv
9. Mefeedia.com
Videoblog search
10. Mightyv.com
Web based tv search and epg (UK)
11. Openvlog.com
Upload and record video
12. Pooxi.com
Upload and (revenue) share video
13. Theunseenvideo.com
Video and weather mash-up animation
14. Truveo.com
Ranked video search
15. Turnhere.com
Upload and share video (local)
16. Veoh.com
Upload and share videos
17. Videobomb.com
Submit and vote for video links
18. Videoegg.com
Capture, edit and publish video
19. Vimeo.com
Upload and share video
20. Vsocial.com
Upload, rank and share video
21. Woomu.com
Submit, vote for and rank videos
22. Yashi.com
Upload and share video
23. Youtube.com
Upload and share video
24. Zippyvideos.com
Upload and share video
Ага, и как же тебе, бедному и несчастному, совсем этим управиться, если в сутках только 24часа?
А списочег в помощь: (The resources below will help you stay efficient, organized, and sane.)
1. 9Rememberthemilk.com Manage tasks, together
2. Myticklerfile.com Manage your and others' tasks
3. Sproutliner.com Manage your tasks
4. formassembly.com/time-tracker/ Keep track of time
5. Trackslife.com Manage and share your to do-lists
6. lib.rario.us/ Catalogue your collection
7. Librarything.com Catalogue and share your library
8. Unalog.com Share what you read, in groups
Далее про организацию инфы с помощью Tagging'a
1. 30daytags.com Fresh tagclouds
2. Cloudalicio.us Follow site's tags over time
3. Groop.us Visualize your social context based on tags
4. Neato.co.nz Tagging plug-in for Wordpress
5. Tagcloud.com Folksonomied, personalized tag clouds
6. Tagfacts.com Tag and share your notes
7. Tagsy.com Social bookmarking and feed management
8. Zoomclouds.com Make and publish tag clouds
ДЛя успешного биза нужго знать, чего у тебя на блоге творится.
А потому юзай сервисы для сбора статистики:
1. Blogbeat.net
Blog analytics software
2. Crazyegg.com
Improve effectiveness of your site
3. Delineate.com
Folksonomied visitor stats
4. Googleanalytics.com
Site analytics software
5. mapstats.blogflux.com/
Map blog traffic
6. haveamint.com/
Site analytics software
7. Mybloglog.com
Blog analytics
8. HitTail.com
Find your longtail phrases for your niche
Сейчас будет большой список типа как можно еще искать, кроме гугла.
1. 1000tags.com Tag cloud based search
2. Ajaxwhois.com Results while you type
3. Alexa.com Contribute to ranked search and stats while you surf
4. Ambedo.com Bookmark, tag and search
5. Audioclipping.de Search content of audio and video streams
6. Bashr.com Wikipedia, Flickr and Delicious mash-up
7. Blogdigger.com Search blogs
8. Blogpulse.com Search blogs
9. Blue.us Find and share
10. Browster.com Search and browse instantly
11. Clusty.com Cluster results in folders
12. Collabrank.org Search and rank
13. Dhoondo.com Search all content on the web
14. moworks.ca/search.aspx Search media
15. Dipsie.com Deep search
16. Ditto.com Search images
17. Domainsbot.com Domain searcg and suggestions
18. sushil01.securesites.net/%7Eashish/doubletrust/ Google + Yahoo mash-up
19. Egosurf.org Search yourself, get ranking
20. Exalead.com Unified search technology
21. Factbites.com Search results in sensible sentences
22. Feedster.com Search for feeds
23. Filangy.com Current search
24. Gadabe.de RSS metasearch
25. Gahooyoogle.com Google + Yahoo mash-up
26. Geourl.org Location 2 URL directory
27. Google.com Search and adwords
28. google.com/blogsearch Search blogs
29. Gravee.com Searches sites and blogs; fair rev share on ads
30. Hakia.com Meaningful results
31. Healthline.com Contextual search for health information
32. Iamsearched.com Are you googled-notification service
33. Ibegin.com Local search
34. Icerocket.com Search blogs and web
35. Instantdomainsearch.com Ajax domain search + suggestions
36. Jookster.com Search, rank and share
37. Kinja.com Search blogs
38. Kosmix.com Verticle search
39. Kratia.com Search, vote and rank results
40. Lexxe.com Meaningful search
41. Linkput.com Results with suer input
42. Liveplasma.com Search and find other things to your taste
43. wiki.lumrix.net/ Ajax wiki search
44. Makidi.com People search
45. dimvision.com/musicmap/ Search and find other things to your taste
46. Mybigriver.com Find while you type; Amazon mash-up.com
47. Nextaris.com Social search
48. Omgili.com Search discussion forums
49. OPMLsearch.com Dedicated OPML search
50. Podzinger.com Search podcasts
51. Prase.us.com Page rank based search
52. Prefound.com Search what people already found
53. beta.previewseek.com/
54. Pubsub.com
55. Qtsaver.com Micro content search; Google and Yahoo mash-ups
56. Qtsearch.com Search for content in Yahoo and Google
57. qube.qelix.com/ Search engine aggregator (client)
58. qube.qelix.com/ Search engine with visualized context terms (client)
59. qwerky.stellify.net/ Search strange site names
60. Qwika.com Search wikis
61. Releton.com Google + Yahoo + maps and routes
62. labs.systemone.at/retrievr/ Search images by sketching
63. Riya.com Face recognition based photo search
64. Rollyo.com Create search agents
65. Seekum.com User ranked search results
66. Suckingfish.com Save, collaborate on and publish search results
67. Surfwax.com Multisource search
68. swicki.eurekster.com/ Search with user input
69. quasimondo.com/tagnautica.php Search Flickr
70. Talkdigger.com Search and discuss results from blogs and web
71. Technorati.com Find what people are saying
72. Watvindenwijover.nl Find and vote for information
73. Who-isit.com Whois, ping, check link popularity
74. Whonu.com Discover/search content (more) intuitively
75. Wikimatrix.org Find and compare your wikis
76. Wink.com Folksonomied search
77. Yellowbook.com Yellow pages aggregator
78. Yoono.com Search, exchange and share information
79. Yubnub.org Search and share search commands
80. Zigtag.com Search, save and share results
1. MyWebTop.com – Feed reader and business community
2. Alesti.org Feed reader
3. Almondrocks.com Share feeds
4. Beanrocket.com News reader
5. Blogbridge.com Feed reader
6. usablelabs.com/productBlogExpress.html Feed reader
7. Bloglet.com – email syndication of RSS news feeds
8. Bloglines.com Feed reader
9. Evolvepoint.com Create, track or find feeds
10. FeedBlitz.com email syndication of RSS news feeds
11. Feedblender.com Feed reader
12. Feedburner.com Manage your RSS and podcast feeds
13. Feedbutler.com Social feed reader
14. Feedcraft.com Create, manage, deliver and track feeds
15. Feeddigest.com Filter, republish or syndicate feeds on your website
16. Feedfeeds.com RSS reader
17. Feedlounge.com Feed reader
18. feedpath.com/feedreader/ Social feed reader
19. Feedxs.com Create personal feeds and submit thru messenger
20. google.com/reader/ Feed reader
21. Gregarius.net Feed reader
22. Immedi.at Messenger notifications of feeds
23. instantfeed.biggu.com/ Messenger notifications of feeds
24. Newsgator.com RSS aggregation platform
25. Nooked.com Manage and commercialize your feeds
26. Odiogo.com Convert feeds to speech
27. jetbrains.com/omea/reader/ Manage and enhance your feeds
28. Peoplefeeds.com Aggregate personal content
29. Podbasket.com Converts audio into feeds
30. Rapidfeeds.com Publish feeds without tech know-how
31. RSS2PDF.com Convert feeds to PDF
32. RSSbandit.org Feed reader
33. RSShut.com Read and search feeds
34. RSSmad.com Feed reader and archive
35. rssor.utblog.com/ Collect, read and share feeds
36. RSSreader.com Feed reader
37. tt-rss.spb.ru/trac/ Feed reader
Так. теперь про взаимодействие с юзерами. Голосавалки там всякие.
1. Contentvote.com Add voting to your blog content
2. Dpolls.com Create, vote for and search polls
3. Polloo.com Polls about happiness
4. Pollplaza.nl Collective polling
5. Quimble.com Create, vote for and search polls
6. Rateitall.com Rate and share opinions on everything
7. Zohochallenge.com Collective polling
Дальше список сайтов, наиболее соответствующих технологии web 2.0, после майспэйса и ютуба.
Типа в них можно тоже сабмитеть статьи, комменты, ссылочки. (Вот только про nofollow чет молчат, паразиты!)
1. 180n.com Choose what's news
2. Backfence.com Publish and share community news
3. Bandnews.org Search band news
4. Blogniscient.com Rank blog articles
5. Buzzingo.com Buzz notifier (Yahoo + Feeling Lucky mash-up)
6. Cluckoo.com Publish and share local news
7. Crisscross.com Comment on and add to news
8. Dailymashup.com Flickr + Delicious + Yahoo news mash-up
9. Dailyrotation.com Share tech websites' headlines
10. Diggdot.us Mash-up news sources to your own taste
11. Feedxs.com - Social feed reading
12. Findory.com Personalize your news
13. Frankenfeed.com Aggregate your feeds
14. Gabbr.com Share news
15. Hypersuper.com Personalize your news
16. Hypetracker.com Popular news searches in graphs
17. Infocaster.nl News and other media thru RSS
18. Inform.com Social news stories
19. Knownow.com Connecting data, apps and people
20. Leve1.com Share news
21. Linkedfeed.com Folksonomied news
22. Megite.com Discover and help select news
23. Memeorandum.com Folksonomied news summaries
24. n.ewradio.co.uk/ Find and vote for news
25. Newsalloy.com Discover, read and share news
26. Newsbump.net Submit and rank news
27. Newsgarbage.com Post, moderate and controle news
28. Newsvine.com Read, write and discuss news
29. Newzingo.com News tag cloud; Google News mash-up
30. Nowpublic.com Share, submit and revenue share news content
31. Nulltag.com News tag clouds
32. On2go.com News and alerts on your mobile
33. pegasusnews.typepad.com/homepage/ Neighborhood news, customized
34. Reddit.com Submit, rate and rank news
35. Rojo.com Discover, organize, read and share content
36. Sabifoo.com Read and publish news through messenger
37. Scoopgo.com Personalized news agents
38. Shoutwire.com Rank and share news
39. Slashdigg.com Slashdot + Digg mash-up
40. Sponit.com Publish and share funny news
41. Squeet.com Receive News, Blogs, RSS or feeds in your email
42. Stockdigg.com Read, submit and rank financial news
43. Strategicboard.com Share tech news
44. Tailrank.com Read news (ranking through algorithm)
45. Theport.com Create and host your own news aggregator
46. Topix.com Share and discuss news
47. typedown.com/external-01/news/yahoo-wordnews.php News tagged in Times
48. yahoo.theherrens.com/ News tag cloud; Yahoo News mash-up
Все, что связано с мультимедиа.
1. 360yahoo.com Blogging – Tagging.com Social Networking
2. Avidbeauty.com Share photos and sounds
3. Broadsnatch.com Share multimedia
4. Bubbleshare.com Phlog, share, add audio captions
5. Buzznet.com Share videos and photos
6. Castpost.com Upload and share your av clips
7. Comagz.com Cocreate and rate content
8. Everybit.com Share your media
9. fireant.tv/ Upload and share multimedia
10. Glide.com Upload and share multimedia
11. Grouper.com Upload, create and share media
12. Hackoff.com Book published as blog and podcast
13. Junklog.com Rate, review and share media
14. Kaneva.com Digital entertainment marketplace
15. LifeLogger.com Share audio, video and photos
16. Listal.com List and share media
17. Livelocker.com Link to, rate and share multimedia
18. Loomia.com Folksonomied media search
19. Lulu.com Publish and sell your content
20. Magnoto.com Phlog and blog
21. mediamax.streamload.com/ Store, manage and share media
22. Myvideokaraoke.com Sing and share your song on video
23. Orb.com Stream your media, wherever
24. Phanfare.com Upload and share photos and videos
25. Picpix.com Upload and share photos and videos
26. Pixpulse.com Upload and share photos and videos on your mobile
27. Quizilla.com Create and share content
28. Shozu.com Upload and share photos-videos-text on your mobile
29. songbirdnest.com/ Media player and web browser
30. sonr.net/beta/ Track media and media users
31. Streamdrive.com Upload and share multimedia
32. Sendspace.com Store and share your media
33. strmz.jot.com/ Clip and share tv and video
34. Swagroll.com List and share all your media
35. Totoexpress.com Hoste, collaborate on, share and deliver content
36. Vidilife.com Upload and share media
37. Yiibu.com Remix, adapt, expand, share and sell content
Marketing and Advertising
1. Attentiontrust.org Advertising based on mutual understanding
2. Cafespot.net Social guide to cafes, restaurants, etc
3. Coastr.com List and share your beers and beer places
4. Dropcash.com Create and manage online fundraiser
5. www2.edgeio.com/ Find classified listings, publish your own
6. Fruitcast.com Podcast advertizing network
7. Jigsaw.com Subscribe, buy, sell sales contacts
8. Kanoodle.com Sponsored links services
9. Knowmore.org Consumers unite! (Dislexics Untie!)
10. Linklike.com Link exchange
11. mybrand.ads-click.net/ Manage online advertising online
12. Podtrac.com Advertise in podcasts
13. PSFK.com Group blogging at its finest
14. Rbloc.com Sell, buy and meet auction market place
15. Riffs.com Review and recommendation community
16. Root.net Trading platform for realtime consumer data
17. Spotrunner.com Recycle, recreate and air tv ads
18. tagdirectory.net/ business directory
19. Tagyu.com Tag-based advertizing
20. Theadcloud.com Create and tag classified listings
21. Thisplaceiknow.com Share places
22. Titlez.com Get publishing market data from Amazon
23. Web marketing 20.com Wiki on Marketing 20
24. Wikicompany.org Social business directory
25. Wordofblog.net Spread the word for good causes
26. Yellowikis.org Business directory
27. Zoomtags.com Tag cloud affiliate network
Graphics / Image Sharing
1. Colorblender.com
Color picker and matcher
2. colorcell.uneven.org/
Find beautiful color combinations
3. Colr.org
Play with color photos and publish results
4. krazydad.com/colrpickr/
Color picker
5. Epassportphoto.com
Upload, manipulate, download your photo
6. Flashpaint.com
Draw and share pictures
7. zefrank.com/flowers/
Design flowers
8. Gliffy.com
Draw and share diagrams
9. Imageeditor.net
Edit your images online
10. Photostack.org
Manage images
11. picasa.google.com/
Find, edit and share photos
12. Picturecloud.com
360o view on your pics
13. blog.outer-court.com/pixel/
Draw anything with others
14. Pxn8.com
Manipulate and publish your photos
15. homokaasu.org/rasterbator/
Creates rasterized images
16. Smilebox.com
Pimp up your photo presentation
17. textorizer.whatfettle.com/
18. phpspot.net/php/flickr/
Capture screens and upload them to Flickr
19. 23hq.com
Store, share and manage photos
20. danbooru.donmai.us/
Upload, tage and share images
21. Dropshots.com
Upload and share photos and video
22. bcdef.org/flappr/
Search pictures; Flickr mash-up
23. Flickr.com
Upload and share photos
24. wynia.org/experiments/phpflickr/
Find and publish photos
25. Flickr.com
Manage and share your photos
26. nastypixel.com/prototype/?p=80
RSS feeds and Flickr mash-up
27. Flickrlicio.us.com
Share Babes on Flickr
28. Flyinside.com
Create, publish and share virtual photo tours
29. Fotki.com
Upload, share, print photos
30. Fotoflix.com
Upload and share photos
31. Fotolia.com
Buy and sell images
32. Fotolog.com
Create and map your phlog
33. groupr.200ok.net/
Groups photos from Flickr groups
34. Illhostit.com
Host your images
35. istockphoto.com/index.php
Buy and sell images
36. Jellybarn.com
Upload, edit, manage, share your photos
37. Ondergrond.org
Upload photos of public art
38. Phlog.net
Upload and share photos
39. Photobloggr.com
Find tags on name; Flickr mash-up
40. Photobucket.com
Upload, publish and share photos
41. photomap.mozdev.org/
Add photos to locations; multi mash-up
42. Picturecloud.com
360o view on your pics
43. Pixagogo.com
Upload, manage and share photos
44. Sharpcast.com
Manage your mobile photos online
45. Shutterbook.com
Store and share photos
46. Shutterfly.com
Store, share and print photos
47. Slide.com
Upload and share photos
48. Slidestory.com
Publish stories with photo slideshows
49. Smilebox.com
Pimp up your photo presentation
50. Smugmug.com
Store and share photos
51. Tagworld.com
Store and share photos
52. stuffonfire.com/2006/01/tickr_for_flickr_10_v6.html
Flickr desktop ticker
53. beta.zooomr.com/home
Search photos in many languages
54. Zoto.com
Uload, phlog and share
Community sites.
Наподобие MySpace and Facebook.
1. 43people.com Tag based matching and dating
2. 43places.com Publish and share stories about places
3. Blogtronix.com Blogging and corporate community software
4. Communitywalk.com Share places and routes (map mash-up)
5. Consumating.com Tag based dating
6. TownCrossing.com Create and Participate in communities
7. Dodgeball.com Hook in with your mobile and meet friends
8. Doostang.com Community for professionals
9. Facebook.com Student communities
10. Frappr.com Put your group on the map, share photos
11. Friendster.com Connect with friends
12. Grou.ps.com Create groups and share content
13. HumanPages – Philanthropic “LinkedIn-Like” People Search
14. Ikarma.com Document and promote your reputation
15. Linkedin.com Manage and share your cv
16. sixapart.com/livejournal/ Join or create your own community
17. Lovento.com Find friends and events
18. Mapmix.com Find your friends (map mash-up)
19. Meetro.com Find friends nearby (thru messenger)
20. Meetup.com Find common interests and organize meetings
21. Mologogo.com Share where you are
22. Mozes.com Share information and people thru your mobile
23. MySpace – Friend Site
24. MyWebTopcom – Myspace for business people
25. OpenBC.com Community for entrepreneurs and professionals
26. Opinity.com Manage your reputation
27. Orkut.com Connect to your friends
28. Partysync.com Meet and sms people
29. Peerprofile.com Publish and share your profiles
30. Peertrainer.com Buddy up, slim down
31. Phusebox.net Community for sophisticated people
32. Piczo.com Create and share website
33. Placesite.com Wi-fi portal and location communities
34. Plum.com Collect, share, connect
35. Poddater.com Create vodcast and connect
36. Pooln.com Schedule your car pooling
37. Rabble.com Create it and share it mobile
38. Tagalag.com Tag and map your contacts
39. Theblackstripe.com Upload and share photos
40. Tinfinger.com Search persons
41. Towncrossing.com Find and Link to Friends
42. Twocrowds.com Share and vote for predictions
43. Vcarious.com Travel community
44. Wallop.com Phlog and interact
45. Xanga.com Blog rings
46. Zaadz.com Network of inspired people
47. Ziggs.com Index of professionals
48. Zoominfo.com Search members and create your own page |
Последний раз редактировалось: ъъъ (Вс Июн 24, 2007 2:37 pm), всего редактировалось 4 раз(а) |
![]() Nike59 Свой |
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Топикстартер. Пересказ - дело хорошее. Я предпочитаю из первоисточника информацию извлекать. Нельзя ли дать ссылку на эту книгу? |
Не мощный - не сможет. Медленный - не успеет. Не точный - промахнется. |
![]() vitvirtual виртуальный |
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Nike59 писал(а): |
Топикстартер. Пересказ - дело хорошее. Я предпочитаю из первоисточника информацию извлекать. Нельзя ли дать ссылку на эту книгу?
книжка рулит однозначно, ссылку на оригинал, плииз  |
www.King-Servers.com - Dedicated Servers от 65$, VDS от 25$ |
![]() ъъъ Профессионал |
Зарегистрирован: 07.08.2006
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Будет вам ссылочка.
По ряду технических причин прямо сейчас не могу.
Значит либо сегодня часиков в 24,00 по Москве, либо завтра где-то в 22,30 по Москве.
Секите!  |
![]() Azazel + Опытный |
Зарегистрирован: 23.06.2007
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Минимум понтов, максимум дела - Блог SEO Критика
Социальная сеть для блоггеров - Вместе мы можем больше! |
![]() Кролик Роджер Свой |
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↠ Все CPA сети рунета с поиском по рекламодателям ↞ |
![]() Кирилл + Опытный |
Зарегистрирован: 18.04.2007
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![]() user00 Профессионал |
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Буржуи хотят насилия! Ratio 1:80 |
![]() ъъъ Профессионал |
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ъъъ |
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Да не за что, ребят!
Будет время еще буду выкладывать.
Ссылку уже показали, но в принципе, я ничего не урезал. |
![]() ъъъ Профессионал |
Зарегистрирован: 07.08.2006
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Site Map Maker
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![]() vitvirtual виртуальный |
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Кто там жаждил первоисходничков?
Вау, грейт респект  |
www.King-Servers.com - Dedicated Servers от 65$, VDS от 25$ |